Yearly Archives: 2008

Rabbi Mayer Shiller on Rav Hirsch

I often find that music has a way of transporting me back in time. I’ll hear a song on the radio, a line from a song lyric, or even a niggun and I instantly return to a point in my past when at I associate with that music. I’m sure most people are like that. Rarely will I read something after a long period of time and get that same feeling. Yesterday was one of those times, though.

Dr. Yitzchok Levine, with permission from Jewish Action, sent an email out with a link to an old Jewish Action article from the summer of 1989 titled “The Forgotten Humanism of Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch” by Rabbi Mayer Schiller. As I reread it yesterday I was brought back to reading it right before I had gradutated public high school.

I had read The Nineteen Letters in 1987 when I became Torah observant, but this was the first time I had actually read anything written about Rav Hirsch. Rabbi Schiller’s article discusses Rav Hirsch’s view of our relations with non-Jews and the purpose of Golus. The article opened my eyes to a bigger view of Rav Hirsch’s teachings, as well what the role of Jew should be in the world at large.  As a teen with very few Jewish friends in my city, I found comfort, strength, and purpose in this article.  Now, almost 20 years later, that feeling is back. 

Dr. Levine has given me permission to post the link to this important article available here. (Posted with permission from the summer 1989 issue of Jewish Action, the magazine of the Orthodox Union.)

In addition, Dr. Levine has a fascinating collection of article posted online regarding Torah Im Derech Eretz and Rav Hirsch available here, as well.  His site and email list is a great resource.

Chicago Jewish Community Mourns

In the Aftermath of the Tragedy in Mumbai
Join in a Memorial Evening of Tribute & Solidarity
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
7 Kislev, 5769
7:30 PM
Holiday Inn North Shore
5300 West Touhy Ave. Skokie, IL
(Just west of the Edens Expressway)
We gather to mourn the passing of all the
victims of the recent brutal terror attacks in Mumbai
and to pay tribute to lives of
Rabbi Gavriel & Rivkah Holtzberg
Chabad emissaries to Mumbai
and their Chabad House guests:
Rav Aryeh Leibish Teitelbaum, Rabbi Bentzion Chroman,
Yocheved Orpaz, & Norma Schwartzblat-Rabinovitch
השם ינקום דמם
Confirmed Speakers:
Harav Gedaliah Dov Schwartz שליט”א – Chicago Rabbinical Council
Rabbi Daniel Moscowitz – Lubavitch Chabad of Illinois
Dr. Steven B. Nasatir – JUF/Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago
Deputy Consul General Gershon Kedar – Consulate General of Israel to the Midwest
For more information call 773-262-2770 x 113 or log on to
Memorial Books to be forwarded to the families will be available for signing at the event
or e-mail your thoughts and good resolutions to:

Revealing contents

A peek into a refrigerator can tell a lot about a person.  If you look the fridge in a kitchen in someones’ home and it’s empty it usually means that either they haven’t had time to go shopping or that they simply don’t have enough money to stock the fridge.

A peek into a fridge at the workplace reveals something else. For the past few months the fridge at my workplace has been full of lunches that people are bringing from home. It wasn’t always like that. Except for a few drinks and some Heinz Ketchup, the fridge was usually empty. Those who formally ate out daily have changed their habits, due to the economy, and started bringing lunch from home.

A fridge that is empty might symbolize economic problems. A fridge that is full might, also, symbolize economic problems. Often time, the real back story changes our preception. As most things in life, its not always what is containted inside that matters, but also why those contents are inside.

Opening my heart

Towards the end of the Amidah we say:
פְּתַח לִבִּי בְּתורָתֶךָ. וּבְמִצְותֶיךָ תִּרְדּף נַפְשִׁי
May my heart be open to your Torah.  May my soul pursue your Mitzvos.

I’m on round two of going through the second volume of the Bilvavi Mishkan Evneh.  A few nights ago I came across this:

If the Torah he has learned and the prayers he has prayed until today have not brought him to the state of feeling in his heart that Hashem is a real perceptible entity Whom it is pleasant to live with and cleave to, his Torah and mitzvos were only in the mind, but the heart was not functioning properly. (chapter three)

Yeah, this one brought me to a screeching halt.  This is the real deal.  If I’m don’t feel like davening, washing negel vasser, making a bracha, lighting neiros, learning, dressing tzenuah or doing chessed, it’s a problem.  What if I do those things and still feel nothing?  It must be that my heart isn’t open. 

Each generation has their own specific Yetzer Hara.  Not putting enough heart into Yiddishkeit just might be ours.  There’s a cure, though.  It might not be for everyone, but it’s worth a try and has helped me over the past year and a half.  
The gemara in Kiddushin 30b says: Hashem has told Yisrael, “My children, I have created the Evil Inclination, and I have created the Torah as an antidote against it.”  Again, each generation has their own specific Yetzer Hara.  With that in mind, I think it’s safe to type that each generation is given specific seforim and teachers that are vessels of Torah containing the antidote we need against the Evil Inclination of our times. 

Much as been written about the gadlus of the Bilvavi Mishkan Evneh seforim and their author, Rav Itamar Schwartz.  I am, by no means, a talmud of his or his seforim.  I’m simply more of an armchair or between-aliyos reader.  I’m constantly amazed, even in the English, how clearly he gives over important concepts that I have seemed to have forgotten over the years and brings to light new mind-blowing ideas with such tangible everyday life examples.  Even more importantly that opening my mind, my heart has begun be be opened again, as well.  It’s been a slow process, but when I put in the effort, I’m a better Jew.

Building A Sancuary in the Heart isn’t overly intellectual, hippy-trippy, or feel-good-and-feel-frummer writing.  Its’ success is due to the fact that the seforim speak to each person differently.  In fact, the whole approach to Rav Schwartz’s teaching is very different that that of other Rabbeim.  His Torah has been made available to everyone via the web.  The seforim, mp3s and videos are all there, just waiting for you.  If you don’t feel like the Jew you were several years ago, when Mitzvos and the idea of being close to Hashem seemed to be something you yearned for, then this might be the antidote you need

Feeling burned out…

Burn-out, Off the derech, Timtum HaLev, observabots, general lack of feeling while performing mitzvos.  Call it what you will, but recently it’s been a topic among many bloggers.  Why?  I’d venture to say that it is because most people are worried about someone they know or even themselves.  To be on fire, excited, and passionate about anything all the time isn’t easy.

If inclined, I’m listing a few links for online reading as well as two mp3 shiurim that might help anyone.  I’ve, personally, found them useful.

Adults at Risk:  by R Mordechai Becher and Rabbi Chanan (Antony) Gordon-  A well written article that address this issues and offers suggestions

Burn-Out:  by The Ner LeElef Institute-  This document was written for the “kiruv profession”, but don’t let that stop you from reading…with an open mind and heart

Inspiration and Disappointment:  from LIVING INSPIRED by Rabbi Akiva Tatz-  If you haven’t read this, he explains why we need to go through a period of excitement and then hit the bumpy roadListening

Getting High, Staying High:  Rabbi Akiva Tatz (fourth shiur on the list)- This is the mp3 shiur of the same concepts found in the above link
Loving Yiddishkeit:  by Rabbi Shaya Cohen (third shiur on the list)-  While geared toward parents, the information, insights, and advice are hands-on and can be applied for anyone

To be continued…

Sunday’s Spark of Mussar

Rav Naftali Amsterdam

Two thinks are necessary for man’s self-perfection.  One is to arouse and inspire himself.  The other, by far the harder, is to carry out his good resolutions and retain the inspiration when it comes down to action.

From Sparks of Mussar by R Chaim Ephraim Zaitchik

Who wrote this….

Whenever I control my yetzer hora and whenever I guard my tongue from evil for Hashem’s sake, I know that He loves me.  At those moments when I subdue my anger from flaring up or push back an unclean thought, Hashem loves me like a father loves his child.

At this moment, it would be good to be mispallel, each in his or her own language:  “Ribono Shel Olam, I am your child.  Have rachmanus on me, allow me to love You, and show me that your love me too.  In turn, I promise I won’t do anything to anger you anymore.  I am doing teshuvah will all my heart because I am your child.”

I’ll post the answer Wednesday afternoon.  Hatzlacha!