In the Aftermath of the Tragedy in Mumbai
Join in a Memorial Evening of Tribute & Solidarity
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
7 Kislev, 5769
7:30 PM
Holiday Inn North Shore
5300 West Touhy Ave. Skokie, IL
(Just west of the Edens Expressway)
We gather to mourn the passing of all the
victims of the recent brutal terror attacks in Mumbai
and to pay tribute to lives of
Rabbi Gavriel & Rivkah Holtzberg
Chabad emissaries to Mumbai
and their Chabad House guests:
Rav Aryeh Leibish Teitelbaum, Rabbi Bentzion Chroman,
Yocheved Orpaz, & Norma Schwartzblat-Rabinovitch
השם ינקום דמם
Confirmed Speakers:
Harav Gedaliah Dov Schwartz שליט”א – Chicago Rabbinical Council
Rabbi Daniel Moscowitz – Lubavitch Chabad of Illinois
Dr. Steven B. Nasatir – JUF/Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago
Deputy Consul General Gershon Kedar – Consulate General of Israel to the Midwest
For more information call 773-262-2770 x 113 or log on to
Memorial Books to be forwarded to the families will be available for signing at the event
or e-mail your thoughts and good resolutions to: