Hear Rabbi Avi Fertig in Northbrook on 04/29

TLC (Torah Learning Center) of Northbrook and
The Mussar Institute

As We Present
Rabbi Avi Fertig, speaking on “Bridging the Gap”
Rabbi Avi Fertig, author of the acclaimed Bridging the Gap, will lead us deeply into the process of bridging the gap: between our heads and our hearts; between who we are now and who we have the potential to be; between potential and actualization of that potential.
Monday, April 29th
8.00 p.m. (7.30 p.m. mincha/maariv)
Darchei Noam of Glenbrook
(located at 2095 Landwehr Rd in Northbrook)
No charge. Suggested donation $5

Rabbi Avi Fertig studied at the Yeshiva of Ner Yisrael, in Baltimore, before moving to Israel in 1997. While studying at the Mir Yeshivah, he forged a close relationship with Rabbi Reuvain Leuchter, a foremost student of Rabbi Shlomo Wolbe, a recognized master of Mussar (ethical teaching). Since that time, he has been studying, writing, and teaching Mussar to hundreds of eager students. He is currently Associate Dean of the Mussar Institute and a teacher at Yeshivat Reishit in Beit Shemesh where he lives with his wife and five children.

For questions, email info@mussarinstitute.org

For further information on The Mussar Institute, visit www.MussarInstitute.org

Email address: info@mussarinstitute.org | Phone: 778-300-6174

A copy of my letter to the Yated

Dear Editor,

I am sure your office has been flooded with both positive and negative views regarding Rabbi Avromom Birnbaum’s article addressing Rabbi Gil Student and Rabbi Harry Maryles’ treatment of the sad and troublesome issue of Rabbi Michael Broyde.

Over the years, in the pages of the Yated, Rabbi Birmbaum has given his readers a less than positive view of how he sees “Modern Orthodoxy.” What he wrote regarding Rabbi Student and Rabbi Maryles, not Mr., is very much in the realm of character assassination. This is the same type of character assassination that I, and thousands, have heard about at Agudath Israel conventions regarding anonymous bloggers and irresponsible journalism.

The fact that Rabbi Brodye’s own words about this situation were post on Hirhurim clearly shows that, despite having previously posted Rabbi Brodye’s writings, Rabbi Student did what needed to be done.

Rabbi Maryles’ treatment of this issue also is very much in line with his blog’s history from the beginning. He often does have posts dealing with the rampant Chillul Hashem within our own Torah observant community, regardless if it involved the “Chareidi” world or “everyone else.”

Rav Yisrael Salanter is quoted as saying, “Promote yourself, but do not demote another.” It seems to me that what Rabbi Birnbaum wrote was an example of demoting.

I am keeping my copy of this article. I know there will come a day when one of my children will ask me, “Abba, why hasn’t Moshiach come?” I will dig out this article and simply cry.

Neil Harris

Chicago, IL

Going live

Just over a year ago, after reading an issue of Klal Perspectives I dreamed up an idea to help promote learning programs in the Chicago area to people like myself, who are not always so motivated. Initially it was going to be a quarterly publication, but after speaking with a good number of rabbonim in the community, the feeling was that it was a big undertaking. I revised my plan and I’m please to announce that “G2G-Growing Together” is officially live. G2G, as I call it, is really a clearinghouse for formal and informal learning, to create a culture of growth that bridges the gap between rote observance and inspiration. It’s also, I’m happy today, part of the “AishDas” family.

I am grateful that in Chicago a new project called “Nourishing the Neshama” was recently started. It’s a partnership project of the Ida Crown Jewish Academy, the YU Torah Mitzion Kollel, NCSY, YU Institute for University-School Partnership, and Congregations Chovevei Tzion, KINS, KJBS & Or Torah. The are providing much needed programs to the greater Chicago community. Their programs also will provide posting material.

If interested you can click over to my “other” blog and read about an upcoming program this Shabbos with Rabbi Binny Freedman, founder of Isralight. G2G can be found here and there are options for following updates via email, Facebook, RSS, or Twitter. 

A last chance to help bring more live to the Negev so PLEASE READ THIS NOW

Shmuel has been posting about the Argan of the Negev campaign. They have just over 24 hours left to raise much needed funds that will allow argan trees to be planted in the Negev, which will also help bring ecomomic stabilty to the area. Please read his post and then contribute to the cause (I contributed earlier this morning).



Image from ABC

Rav Simcha Wasserman zt’l taught that the mitzvah of kiruv falls under the category of Hashavas Aveidah, the mitzvah of returning a lost object.  I’ve read this in his name and also personally asked Rabbi Akiva Tatz (co-author of the book Rav Simcha Speaks) about this and he confirmed it for me.

So, here’s my question, if Hashavas Aveidah can be applied to a person, then can I recite the tefillah of Rav Meir Baal HaNeis and give tzedakah in hope of finding myself?