Tonight, the 12th of Mar Cheshvon is the 4th yahrtzeit of Dan ben Aharon HaLevi, my father-in-law.
I can’t help but think tonight that he would have been thrilled to see how my oldest daughter uses internet-based educational websites to work on spelling, math and reading. He would get a kick out of how my son will use my wife’s iPhone and use the Kotel Kam app to see a live feed from Yerushalyim. I know he would laugh till there were tears in his eyes if he saw how my 5 yr old little girl will use my smartphone and check the weather so she knows what shoes to wear in the morning.
When people were not sure what to make of the internet in the early 1990’s, he was downloading parsha summaries from, sending emails, and printing out Torah material for his shul’s newletter.
My kid’s Zaidy loved technology, because it kept him young. He was always up on the lastest trends and technologies. It was something I always found impressive. For sure, he’d appreciate the fact that this post was written on my Blackberry, while sitting in a parking lot.
His neshama should have an aliyah!