2823 West Touhy
Chicago, IL 60645
Mikor HaChaim is excited to announce a Shabbos of Chizuk with Rav Shmuel Brazil, shlit”a, magid shiur at Shor Yoshuv
and famous ba’al menagen
January 16 and 17, Parashas Shemos
Rabbi Brazil will be leading a spirited Kabbolas Shabbos Friday night at Mikor.
Later that evening, there will be a tish at the home of
Rabbi and Mrs. Avi Banker, 2907 Coyle, beginning at 8:30PM.
Rabbi and Mrs. Avi Banker, 2907 Coyle, beginning at 8:30PM.
The Mikor HaChaim Shabbos of Chizuk continues with
Shalosh Seudos at Mikor after Mincha at 4:20.
Shalosh Seudos at Mikor after Mincha at 4:20.
Motzaei Shabbos there will be a festive Melave Malka with Rabbi Brazil at the home of David & Chaya Tova Hartman, 6137 Bernard , beginning at 8:30 PM.
All are invited to enjoy the Torah and nigunnim of Rav Shmuel throughout
this amazing Shabbos of Chizuk!
this amazing Shabbos of Chizuk!
Note: I have written about this before, but in 2005 I was zoche, thanks to my mother-in-law a”h, to daven on Simcha Torah in Sh’or Yoshuv and hear Rabbi Brazil daven a beautiful Hallel on Simchas Torah morning. It was 45 minutes of pure joy to my ears and neshama. It remains to be one of the highlights of my adult life. Even though the weather will be below freezing, Rabbi Brazil will warm you up!