The sefer Reb Shlomo tells over the following interesting observation by Rav Freifeld regarding Slabodka’s success in America:
Reb Shlomo once remarked to a talmid that the Novardok style of mussar had never really caught on in America because “to be a gornisht, a nothing, one has to first be a zich, a something, and in America no one believes in his own self-worth.” (page 139)
While the Novardok network of yeshivos was rather extensive prior to World War II, it never was rebuilt as a network. Slabodka (where Rav Freifeld’s rebbe, Rav Hutner learned) seemed to make more of an impact (just look at a small list of those who attended Slabodka you’ll notice quite a few names that influenced the major yeshivos in America). I’ve always wondered why Novardok didn’t really find a place in America. Reb Shlomo’s insight says much about the Slabodka derech of building up a person and exposing their inner Kedusha.
Note: The wesite Revach L’Neshama posted a brief biographical sketch today of the Alter of Novardok.
I read that book and it was life-altering, so unlike the other generic bios out there.
If you want to see the “How” of how to bring out greatness in a person, child, student, yourself then the book is a true must read.
Thanks for the comment.
I hav heard that it outsold any other biography in recent histroy, something like 10000 copies in six months.
The book is in its third printing. Judaica Press also just released IN SEARCH IF GREATNESS-The shmuessen of Rabbi Shlomo Freifeld