Category Archives: Salanter

Sunday’s Spark of Mussar

Rabbi Yisrael Lipkin of Salant
The head of a large company turned to R’ Yisrael with the following question. He had only one hour free a day to learn. What should he learn during that time? “Spend the hour learning Mussar,” answered R’ Yisrael. “If you do so, then you will discover many more free hours in the day.”

From Sparks of Mussar by R Chaim Ephraim Zaitchik

Sunday’s Spark of Mussar

Rabbi Yisrael Lipkin of Salant
Before Pesach, R’ Yisrael was once unable to be present during the baking of his shmurah matzah, in which he was extremely meticulous.  His disciples, who has undertaken to watch over the baking in his place, asked him for directions.  R’ Yisrael instructed them to be extremely careful not to upset the woman who kneaded the dough and not to rush her for she was a widow, and to upset her would be a violation of the prohibition against oppressing widows and orphans.  “The kashrus of the matzos is not complete,” added R’ Yisrael, “with hidurim in the laws of Pesach alone, but with the meticulous observance of the laws of behavior towards other people as well.”
From Sparks of Mussar by R Chaim Ephraim Zaitchik

Sunday’s Spark of Mussar

Rabbi Yisrael Lipkin of Salant
In Koenigsberg, after R’ Yisrael had ascertained that he could not influence the storekeepers to close their stores on Shabbos, he made up with them that at least they would not bring their keys from the house to the store on Shabbos; but would hide the keys close to the store instead.

From Sparks of Mussar by R Chaim Ephraim Zaitchik


In line during a very hectic, draining, and busy week for me. I didn’t even read much on anything online, including email. Part of my week took me to the post office. While waiting in line I saw the follow quote from Benjamin Franklin (who’s writings, BTW, influenced this sefer):

Energy and persistence conquer all things.
This happened to be one of several things that I needed to read and think about this week. These also hit home:

Never despair. It is forbidden to give up hope! -Reb Nachman
There is no greater illness than discouragement.- Rabbi Yisrael Lipkin of Salant
Impossible Is Nothing!- Current ad campaign for Adidas

Have a great Shabbos Kodesh!

Sunday’s Spark of Mussar

Rabbi Yisroel Lipkin of Salant
R’ Yisrael was once praising his student R’ Simcha Zissel Ziv of Kelm. Said a rabbi who was present, “If R’ Simcha Zissel would devote his talents completely to Gemora, instead of spending time also on Mussar, he would become a tremendous goan.”

“The Shulchan Oruch,” answered R’ Yisroel, “teaches that if a person has before him a small, perfect challah and a large but imperfect one, he must cut the perfect challah first. Similary, spritual perfection takes priority over scholarly greatness.”

From Sparks of Mussar by R Chaim Ephraim Zaitchik