Join YU Torah Mitzion Kollel of Chicago for a great night

On September 9, 2012, the YU Torah Mitzion Kollel of Chicago will be having their Summer event.  Last year’s program was completely sold out.  This upcoming event at the NAVY PIER Rooftop Terrace promises to be fabulous.

In January of 2004 a study showed the placement of alumni from one of the first kollelim in Chicago. The numbers  are very impressive, since this specific kollel had only been established for less than 25 years. They had 6 alumni serving as congregational rabbis, 19 alumni involved in education, 2 in full-time community outreach, and 9 in business and professional life.

Having lived in Chicago for 6 years, it’s obvious the tremendous and positive impact that the kollel momevent, in general, has had on the Chicago community.  I am proud to say that our community and Toronto are the only cities in North America (outside of NYC) that boasts a YU Torah Mitzion Kollel with Fellows learning full-time.  Yeshiva University currently has six other kollel programs that are exclusivity in Yeshiva High Schools in the Greater New York area.     

Even as the YU Torah Mitzion Kollel of Chicago enters its 4th year, the impact it has had on the greater Chicago community continues to spread.  The impact is more than just having former Kollel couples working in congregations, schools within the Associated Talmud Torah, and pursuing careers  It’s a show of growth within our Torah community.  It’s positive male and female role models who we and our children can look towards and think, this is the type of person I want to be.  As an out-of-towner, I personally know that moving away from family and friends isn’t an easy decision and the fact that the Kollel families have chosen this path speaks volumes about their commitment to Klal Yisrael.

Obviously, I’d love for you to consider attending the fantastic and relaxed evening that the YUTMK has planned on September 9th.  It’s a great opportunity to meet the members of the kollel that are impacting our community on a daily basis.

In closing, I’d like to share three examples of how my family has personally been affected by the YU Torah Mitzion Kollel.

Enrich – On any given Shabbos at the KINS 7:30 minyan you can find a fellow from the Kollel davening in our minyan.  Very often he will be the person giving the d’var halacha after davening, too.  The Kollel members cam be seen talking in learning with others and spending time connecting with many, both young and old, during kiddush.
Engage – My son is part of a group that attends the, ever popular, Middle-School Mishmar program at KINS on Wednesday nights.  Not only has Rabbi Ehrenfeld (and other Fellows who have facilitated the group), given over a love of Torah, but he and Rabbi Brand have specifically picked topics of interest that are not always taught or discussed within a the context of the day school experience.

Inspire – Personally, I have been part of a small group that has been learning this past year with Rabbi Etan Ehrenfeld.  He has challenged me and amazed me with his research into given topics and ability to interface with people of various backgrounds.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Kollel office or myself.

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