4 thoughts on “Exile and redemption

  1. Neil Harris

    Teshuva is a return to the state of who we should be. I think geulah (redemption) is the actualization of the potential. It’s the difference, to quote you (Micha), of wanting to serve Hashem and serving Hashem.

  2. Micha Berger

    During my commute I thought of another possibility, not to the exclusion of yours…

    Tishrei is (in the Zohar’s language) an is’arusa delesata (an awakening from below) — we awaken the qedushah, and Hashem responds. Nissan is an is’aru dele’eilah (from above) — Hashem offers us the qedushah, and it is for us to respond. This is why Tishrei is associated with Din, as Hashem’s response is in measure to what we earned, whereas Nissan is unearned holiness, an expression of Rachamim. Applying this idea…

    Ge’ulah is being freed from those external challenges that are holding us back. Thus, Hashem can offer it to us without violating our free will. And it happens in Nissan. Teshuvah is freeing ourselves from our internal flaws. Something we must do for ourselves — a Tishrei awakening from below.


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