Although my wife and I loved the Shaloch Manos that we made this year. I had several other ideas that I knew wouldn’t even make the cut. Here’s one of them:
Nineteen of these:

One of these:
Packaged in this box:
Can you guess the theme?
Although my wife and I loved the Shaloch Manos that we made this year. I had several other ideas that I knew wouldn’t even make the cut. Here’s one of them:
The gears of my mind are churning… Smoke is rising…
-Dixie Yid
Something about Rabbi Shimshon Raphuel Hirsch? (19 letters, Frankfurter, and ???)
I am stumped. i am horrible at riddles.
19 Letters- By RSR Hirsch-must read, IMHO for any thinking Torah Jew who lives and works in the secular world
Frankfurter-Rav Hirsh took over the kehillah in Franfurt-on-Main with only 40 Shomer Shabbos Families…there were over 400 when he died
TIDE-Torah Im Derech Eretz
ha ha
I should have posted my Ramones (the band) based idea instead
Hello I just entered before I have to leave to the airport, it’s been very nice to meet you, if you want here is the site I told you about where I type some stuff and make good money (I work from home): here it is