Category Archives: Salanter

Sunday’s Salanter Selection

Rabbi Yisrael Salanter says:
Persons who are in economic or other trouble will energetically seek to improve their lot.  Why should people, who are in one kind of moral trouble or another, likewise seek to extricate themselves from evil and pursue the path of morality?

From Ohr Yisrael (the collected letters of RYS complied by R Yitzchak Blazer)
Available in Hebrew or English

Sunday’s Spark of Mussar

 Before Pesach Rabbi Yisrael Salanter was once unable to be present during the baking of this shmurah matzah, in which he was extremely meticulous. His disciples, who had undertaken to watch over the baking in his place, asked him for directions. R’ Yisrael instructed them to be extremely careful not to upset the woman who kneaded the dough and not to rush her, for she was widow, and to upset her would be a violation of the prohibition against oppressing widows and orphans. “The kashrus of the matzos is not complete,” added R’ Yisrael, “with hidurim in the laws of Pesach alone, but with the meticulous observance of the laws of behavior towards other people as well.”- from SPARKS OF MUSSAR

Sunday’s Salanter Selection

Rabbi Yisrael Salanter once witnessed someone running swiftly into the synagogue to say kedusha with the congregation.  In his haste, the man stepped on someone’s newly polished shoes.  After prayers, Rabbi Salanter told the man that he had a financial responsibility to pay for the shoes to be re-polished.  Rabbi Salanter added, “The entire merit of reciting kedusha is lost if its recital causes someone a loss.”

(From Tenuas HaMussar, cited in Love Your Neighbor by R Zelig Pliskin)