Community Internet Safety Program in Chicago

This Sunday the Associated Talmud Torahs of Chicago are sponsoring an internet awareness program this Sunday, July 8, at Congregation KINS in West Rogers Park. Discover strategies to set up a safe environment for internet use. The program starts at 7:45 PM. Mincha will be at 7:30 PM.
For more information feel free to contact the ATT at (773) 973-2828.

Totally seperate note:
A Simple Jew asks himself an important question.

5 thoughts on “Community Internet Safety Program in Chicago

  1. Un-Uberdox Jew

    Maybe you should go on Sunday. I hear there’s a panel discussion about “Self-effacing bloggers who blog with their real names”.

  2. Ezzie

    I think the difference in approach between this (learn how to utilize the technology) and other places (ban it and hope it goes away) is going to make a huge difference between slices of Orthodoxy over the next 25 years.

  3. Neil Harris

    I’m impressed the the Rabbonim of the community are so pro this event. I’ll write up a post after I attend. It’s events like this and things like R Yakov Horowitz’s website (that rocks the Agudath’s logo) that seem like postive steps. Thanks for taking time to comment.

  4. Chana

    I’m probably going to this event (if today works out like it should.)

    So if you see a girl with a laptop, that’s me! 🙂

    can’t wait to hear what they say about blogs.

  5. Heidi

    How was it? I wanted to go, but couldn’t make it. (AKA was scared it would scare me off the internet)


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